We investigate the slepton-pair production with longitudinally polarized e^- beams. We calculate the polarized cross-sections and angular distributions for the slepton-R pair, slepton-L pair (l=e,μ) and selectron-RL pair production for arbitrary degree of polarization. The cross-sections for the smuon-pair (or the stau-pair) production are determined by the slepton mass which is dependent on SUSY parameters, m0, M2 and tanβ. For the selectron-pair production, the cross-sections are more complicated because there are other diagrams than the common annihilation type ones, i.e., those for t-channel exchange of neutralinos. Therefore the latter is highly dependent on the masses of neutralinos which are related with M_2, μand tanβ. Numerical calculations indicate that R-sleptons and L-sleptons can be separated with highly polarized e^- beams, and that the polarized cross-sections and angular distributions provide us with information for the SUSY parameters.
Author: Masato JIMBO