Academic Theses

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Name YOSHIDA, Hiroshi
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The Taxpayer; as a Targeted User of Public Sector Accounting

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Sole Author


The basic object of accounting is to provide information on which the users can base their decision making. The relation of investor and management can be compared with that of taxpayer and government. As profit acts as a measure of performance of a private entity, Future Tax can act as a measure of the performance of a public entity.   The relation of taxpayer and government requires a balance sheet of taxpayer and government for each economic unit. The performance report will show the shared cost that taxpayer bears.  The statement of changes in Future tax which is connected with the total shared costs by taxpayer, appears on the performance report and "Future Tax " on the Balance Sheet.


8th Biennial CIGAR(Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research)Conference University of Valencia(SPAIN)


Date of Issue
