
Basic information

Name MINOHARA, Tatsuo
Belonging department
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researchmap researcher code
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Multiple meta-object support on Object

Sole or Joint Author

Sole Author

Date of Issue


Conference Presentation(name)

ECOOP/OOPSLA'90Workshop on Reflection & Meta


In the research field of reflective computation, various approaches have been proposed. The common goal of such approaches is to express the computation mechanisms of an object explicitly.  Some of the existing programming systems which do not support the explicit expression of the computation mechanism implicitly have the facilities for handling their partial computation mechanism. In the other pproaches based on the class system such as in ObjVlisp, the representation of the computation mechanism is realized in the form of the meta-class. There are several approaches in the design of reflective architectures. Maes proposed a reflective architecture in which the meta-object is provided per object for the reflective computation . In Muse Operating System, a meta-object is shared by multiple objects. We do not consider that these approaches are irreconcilable with each other. Each reflective architecture has however the inherent primitives for realizing the specific facilities. We investigate the facilities required in the meta-programming in order to focus upon the design of the reflective architecture of the object and propose a new construction of the reflective architecture for these facilities.


